
2020 Sucked. I'm going to try to make it a better 2021.

Fairweather Zealot
Congress to America: Fuck You

Congress to America: Fuck You

I’ve been pretty quiet here because I’ve been so damn busy lately.  But I have to write something about the...

On a lighter note

On a lighter note

I’ve been really busy for the last month, particularly for the past two weeks. I’ve been juggling more than a...

Kendrick needs to be benched.

Kendrick needs to be benched.

After last night’s game, it’s evident that the Phillies need to do to Kyle Kendrick what they did to Brett...

CSS3 Attribute Selectors Query

CSS3 Attribute Selectors Query

The other day I was working on an internal UX Guidelines website and instituting one of the very things that...

Metallica: Love ’em or Hate ’em … Most Choose the Latter

Metallica: Love ’em or Hate ’em … Most Choose the Latter

Metallica’s new album comes out at the end of this week, and I’m really not sure how I feel. I...

Wonders of a Weekend Off

Wonders of a Weekend Off

It was a good weekend – especially since it was 3 days long. Shari and I figured that we would...

The Better Memories of NC

The Better Memories of NC

Okay – so vacation wasn’t what I expected, but there were some really nice moments.  Of course, Shari caught more...

The next level of browser?

The next level of browser?

The other day, I saw something that Mozilla had come up with – Mozilla Ubiquity. In the shortest sense, it’s...

A Non-Birding Weekend

A Non-Birding Weekend

After the “Vacation From Hell” we had last week, I was really looking forward to having some time to get...

Olympics the 29th

Olympics the 29th

I have to say that the Olympics were a lot of fun to watch this time around, particularly with my...