Catching UP

I started a new job this week, and it’s been a LOT of work – but good work. I’m working more on the Information Architecture side of things which I haven’t had much of a chance to do lately when I was working with my old contract company. Better yet, this position could hopefully lead to full-time employment, something that I could get into since this seems like a pretty cool company. I’ll miss the flexibility of my other position, and driving up the Schuykill daily is a bit of a drag, but I like what I’m working on, the people are good and the whole “…into full-time employment” portion is something that I could get into.

Unfortunately, it also means that I don’t have as much time to tool around as I once did. Big difference between getting home at 4:30 and 7:30 each night – but there’s always a trade-off for good work, and the potential benefits it brings. Even if I can’t play hooky as often.

Other links – some relevent, others … well, not so much »


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