2010 Birding
Well, 2010 is over and while I didn’t get out as often as I had wanted, I still had a number of chances to bird in new places including an awesome trip to the San Francisco area. Along with a number of new bird species, I got to see some new butterflies and dragonflies, as well as having some great photographic opportunities.
Type | Total | New |
Overall | 170 | 16 |
New Jersey | 127 | 4 |
And I had a good year – I saw 170 total species of bird, bringing my lifelist total to 437 species, including 16 new species (* = NJ list, too; ^ = new to NJ only). Not only did I add a bunch of new birds, but I had a great guided tour around Monterey Bay, and got to take some nice pictures:
New Lifers
- Chestnut-backed Chickadee
- Brandt’s Cormorant
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo*
- Marbled Godwit
- Clark’s Grebe
- California Gull
- Anna’s Hummingbird
- Black-legged Kittiwake
- Pacific Loon
- Black Oystercatcher
- Nuttall’s White-Crowned Sparrow
- Surfbird
- Roseate Tern*
- Oak Titmouse
- Chestnut-sided Warbler*
- Nuttall’s Woodpecker
- Chimney Swift^
Butterflies & Moths
Type | Total | New |
Butterflies | ||
Overall | 35 | 4 |
New Jersey | 30 | 4 |
Moths | ||
Overall | 9 | 1 |
New Jersey | 7 | 1 |
Butterflies were less successful this year – I was too early in San Fran for a good number of species and I wasn’t able to get out very often this summer and find local varieties. Still, my one ‘big’ trip to Tom’s River ended up yielding 3 new hairstreak species, while I added a new skipper and large moth species in NC.
New Lifers
- Coral Hairstreak
- Hickory Hairstreak
- Striped Hairstreak
- Ocola Skipper
- Darling Underwing (moth)
Type | Total | New |
Dragonflies | ||
Overall | 24 | 1 |
New Jersey | 22 | 1 |
Damselflies | ||
Overall | 6 | 1 |
New Jersey | 6 | 1 |
I had a really slow year for dragonflies and the like – again, my only big trip was to Tom’s River where I picked up the majority of my sightings and my only two new species for the year. Still, I got to see some other species that I haven’t seen much of recently, so it was nice in that way.
New Lifers
- Lancet Clubtail
- Sphagnum Sprite