2020 sucked. Pandemics, horrible wildfires, the political scene, the Kardashians. And my workload was so heavy that I rarely had time to do much, let alone go birding. I was lucky enough to get out a dozen times all year – including 3 times in December to finish the year with 205 species.
I turned 50, and my plan was to spend my 50th year doing a Big Year … or at least a Big(ish) Year based on the fact that I wasn’t going to be able to do a lot of explicitly birding trips. But then COVID happened and I’m adjusting again. I’m still doing it, but we’ll see what I can achieve without flying to many places. But I’m going for it.
Trip List
- Day 1 at Home – January 1st (33 species)
- Cape May, NJ – January 2nd (85 species, 1 lifer)
- Manasquan Inlet, NJ – January 9th (20 species)
- Barnegat Light, NJ – January 16th (35 species)
- Kelly Drive + John Heinz NWR – January 31st (34 species, 1 lifer)
- Forsythe NWR – February 6th (47 species)
- Featherbed Lane WMA – February 12th (21 species)
- Featherbed Lane WMA, Red Bank Battlefield – February 15th (61 species)
- Forsythe NWR – March 11th (42 species)
Year List
This page will be for my full tally, against my goal of hitting 400 species for the year. Life birds will be in bold; NJ lifers will be in italics. Rarities will be noted with an * and an ABA Code in parentheses (if applicable)
# | Date | Bird |
1 | 1/1 | Canada Goose |
2 | 1/1 | Blue Jay |
3 | 1/1 | House Finch |
4 | 1/1 | House Sparrow |
5 | 1/1 | Mourning Dove |
6 | 1/1 | European Starling |
7 | 1/1 | Downy Woodpecker |
8 | 1/1 | Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) |
9 | 1/1 | American Robin |
10 | 1/1 | Carolina Wren |
11 | 1/1 | White-breasted Nuthatch |
12 | 1/1 | Tufted Titmouse |
13 | 1/1 | White-throated Sparrow |
14 | 1/1 | Carolina Chickadee |
15 | 1/1 | Ring-billed Gull |
16 | 1/1 | Mallard |
16a | 1/1 | Domestic Mallard |
17 | 1/1 | Song Sparrow |
18 | 1/1 | American Crow |
19 | 1/1 | Northern Cardinal |
20 | 1/1 | Northern Mockingbird |
21 | 1/1 | Double-crested Cormorant |
22 | 1/1 | Red-bellied Woodpecker |
23 | 1/1 | Great Blue Heron |
24 | 1/1 | Great Black-backed Gull |
25 | 1/1 | Herring Gull |
26 | 1/1 | Red-breasted Nuthatch |
27 | 1/1 | Pigeon |
28 | 1/1 | Belted Kingfisher |
29 | 1/1 | Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) |
30 | 1/1 | Pine Siskin |
31 | 1/1 | Red-winged Blackbird |
32 | 1/1 | Common Grackle |
33 | 1/2 | Eastern Towhee |
34 | 1/2 | Hermit Thrush |
35 | 1/2 | Brown Thrasher |
36 | 1/2 | Black Scoter |
37 | 1/2 | Red-breasted Merganser |
38 | 1/2 | Sanderling |
39 | 1/2 | Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) |
40 | 1/2 | Great Egret |
41 | 1/2 | Mute Swan |
42 | 1/2 | Gadwall |
43 | 1/2 | Northern Shoveler |
44 | 1/2 | American Black Duck |
45 | 1/2 | Northern Pintail |
46 | 1/2 | Green-winged Teal |
47 | 1/2 | Blue-winged Teal |
48 | 1/2 | Ring-necked Duck |
49 | 1/2 | Greater Yellowlegs |
50 | 1/2 | Hooded Merganser |
51 | 1/2 | American Coot |
52 | 1/2 | Bufflehead |
53 | 1/2 | American Wigeon |
54 | 1/2 | Red-throated Loon |
55 | 1/2 | Nothern Gannet |
56 | 1/2 | Purple Finch |
57 | 1/2 | Fox Sparrow |
58 | 1/2 | Red Crossbill* |
59 | 1/2 | Turkey Vulture |
60 | 1/2 | Evening Grosbeak* |
61 | 1/2 | Snow Goose |
62 | 1/2 | Rusty Blackbird |
63 | 1/2 | Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
64 | 1/2 | Cooper’s Hawk |
65 | 1/2 | Brown-headed Cowbird |
66 | 1/2 | American Goldfinch |
67 | 1/2 | Red-tailed Hawk |
68 | 1/2 | Tundra Swan |
69 | 1/2 | Pied-billed Grebe |
70 | 1/2 | Lesser Scaup |
71 | 1/2 | Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
72 | 1/2 | Killdeer |
73 | 1/2 | Red-shouldered Hawk |
74 | 1/2 | Black Vulture |
75 | 1/2 | Hairy Woodpecker |
76 | 1/2 | Eastern Phoebe |
77 | 1/2 | Gray Catbird |
78 | 1/2 | Eastern Bluebird |
79 | 1/2 | Field Sparrow |
80 | 1/2 | Palm Warbler |
81 | 1/2 | Long-tailed Duck |
82 | 1/2 | Common Eider |
83 | 1/2 | Purple Sandpiper |
84 | 1/2 | Brant |
85 | 1/2 | Common Loon |
86 | 1/2 | Wild Turkey |
87 | 1/7 | Winter Wren |
88 | 1/9 | Boat-tailed Grackle |
89 | 1/9 | King Eider* |
90 | 1/9 | Black-bellied Plover |
91 | 1/10 | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
92 | 1/13 | Great Horned Owl |
93 | 1/16 | Harlequin Duck |
94 | 1/16 | White-winged Scoter |
95 | 1/16 | Ruddy Turnstone |
96 | 1/16 | Dovekie |
97 | 1/16 | Razorbill |
98 | 1/16 | Great Cormorant |
99 | 1/16 | Peregrine Falcon |
100 | 1/18 | Common Merganser |
101 | 1/24 | Fish Crow |
102 | 1/31 | Tundra Bean Goose* (4) |
103 | 1/31 | Brown Creeper |
104 | 1/31 | Bald Eagle |
105 | 2/6 | Wood Duck |
106 | 2/6 | Clapper Rail |
107 | 2/6 | American White Pelican* |
108 | 2/6 | Northern Harrier |
109 | 2/6 | Short-billed Dowitcher |
110 | 2/6 | Long-billed Dowitcher |
111 | 2/12 | Rough-legged Hawk* |
112 | 2/12 | Short-eared Owl |
113 | 2/12 | Savannah Sparrow |
114 | 2/12 | White-crowned Sparrow |
115 | 2/12 | Eastern Meadowlark |
116 | 2/12 | Horned Lark |
117 | 2/15 | Common Raven |
118 | 2/15 | American Kestrel |
119 | 2/15 | Merlin |
120 | 2/15 | Sandhill Crane |
121 | 2/15 | Canvasback |
122 | 2/15 | Swamp Sparrow |
123 | 2/15 | Horned Grebe |
124 | 2/15 | Common Goldeneye |
125 | 2/23 | Black-capped Chickadee |
126 | 3/11 | Sharp-shinned Hawk |
127 | 3/11 | Eurasian Green-winged Teal* (3) |
128 | 3/11 | Cedar Waxwing |
129 | 3/11 | Dunlin |
Best Pictures of the Year
This page will be for my full tally, against my goal of hitting 400 species for the year. Life birds will be in bold; NJ lifers will be in italics. Rarities will be noted with an * and an ABA Code in parentheses (if applicable)