
Long hours all weekend have kept me from being a fun person this morning. So, a quick note about new legislation that I’m torn about. It’s called the Cheeseburger Bill, and basically it is blocking people from being able to sue fast food restaurants for their morbid obesity. Part of me says that putting in legislation to protect these companies which are selling this sludge is wrong, but a larger part of me says FINALLY something is being done to say “Enough – take some frickin’ responsibility for your own actions, for chrissakes!”. I’m not one to suggest that the fast food franchises are entirely innocent in this, but if you think you can have 2 Big Macs a day, and wash it down with greasy fries, hash browns and a 30-pack of McNuggets, and then claim it’s Ronald’s fault you can’t fit through the doorway to blast your toilet to hell on a daily basis, I think you need to be reminded that it was your own fat grubby fingers reaching through the window at the drive-through. They weren’t forcing it on you. And if it’s kids involved, the parents should be in court for neglect and abuse, not an anticipated payday.

To end my rant for the day, here’s a gem from Lewis Black from the Daily Show the other day. In an interview, a spokesman for the Catholic church started answering questions about the new regulations involving homosexuality in the priesthood. One question asked if the crackdown on homosexuality would affect the number of reports of child abuse by priests, to which the priest replied that “Homosexuality and pedophilia are two different things.”

To which, Lewis replied:

“Of course they are two different things – here is the catholic church’s position on homosexuality and pedophilia: Homosexuality has no cure. Pedophilia, HOWEVER, can be cured by a TRANSFER TO ANOTHER DIOCESE!”



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